Call Us on 0208 342 9524 or Send Us an Email at
All our normal activities have been shut down according to Government guidelines. There will be no Monday and Friday lunches, film club or classes until the Government says it is safe to lift restrictions.
Instead, your Community Centre is directing all its efforts into supporting the vulnerable on the Holly Lodge Estate. We are working closely with the Holly Lodge Residents Association (HLRA), Holly Lodge Estate (HLE) and Highgate Newtown Community Centre (HNCC).
We are doing everything we can in this crisis, but it all costs money, especially the fresh fruit and veg in the food parcels. Also, we need to buy our volunteers gloves, masks and sanitisers - the protection they need to keep themselves safe.
Our income from lunch clubs, music and art lessons, fitness classes and more is now zero. When this crisis is over, we will need to re-establish the services which were so valued by our community. Thinking and planning for the future helps us through the present crisis. Please join us in helping our beautiful Holly Lodge Estate!
Please donate on our Virgin Moneygiving page.
We are grateful for anything you are able to give.
The HLCCHL is a Tenants and Residents Hall, associated with the HLRA, but still registered as Holly Lodge Community Centre. Visit the Holly Lodge Residents Association’s website.
Also, Suzuki violin lessons – after school Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. For further information please see Miks’ website:
Support our charity organization by starting your shopping at Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to us. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
We have an attractive, newly refurbished space for hire, with a commercial style kitchen and a lovely terrace. If you would like to hold lectures, classes, workshops, seminars or meetings do get in touch. Unfortunately we are not hiring out the hall for parties.
Enjoy volunteering, or want to give it a go? Have a skill set you want to share, or just want to help out? We always need motivated volunteers. Please fill in the form on our Contact Us page and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Come participate in one of our many activities. Among our current class offerings you’ll find Judo, yoga, and art. Attend local meetings, as well as a variety of other events. Have a look at our calendar to find out what’s on, and when.