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Holly Lodge Community Centre - Highgate London


7 Posts

Committee Meeting July 2018 02 October, 2018

Minutes of the HLCC committee, Monday June 4 2018 PRESENT: Barbara, Anne, Hertha, Martin, Karen, Josh, Roger. APOLOGIES: Camilla and Lisa…

April News 18 August, 2018

Dear HL residents, The Community Centre, now officially a Tenants and Residents Association hall, is thriving! Our Monday lunch club…

Monday Lunch 02 December, 2017

Come along to the weekly freshly cooked three-course lunch which is open to everyone on the Estate. It only costs £3.00. It takes place…

Committee Meeting July 2017 27 July, 2017

MINUTES OF HLCC MEETING JULY 26TH 2017 / 6.40pm PRESENT: Barbara, Hertha, Anne, Grace, Roger, Martin, Karen APOLOGIES: Felicitas; Josh…

Anja’s Memorial Mosaic Unveiled 26 June, 2017

Today, in a glorious summer day, Anja’s memorial mosaic was finally unveiled just outside the Community Centre. Our Gallery shows pictures…

Anja’s Memorial Mosaic 06 June, 2017

During the last bank holiday weekend, members of the local community came together at the centre to work on Anja’s memorial mosaic. Take a…

Community Centre Refurbishment 05 May, 2016

We’ve had a makeover! The centre had been looking a little tired lately, but fortunately we were able to obtain a grant to refurbish the…

Holly Lodge Community Centre is a registered charity 293003 2013-2017

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