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Holly Lodge Community Centre - Highgate London

Committee Meeting July 2018

Minutes of the HLCC committee, Monday June 4 2018

PRESENT: Barbara, Anne, Hertha, Martin, Karen, Josh, Roger.

APOLOGIES: Camilla and Lisa

  1. MINUTES of LAST MEETING These were passed.
  2. MATTERS ARISING NOT ON THIS AGENDA Re: Wheel chair access Hugh Boatswain will come back to Barbara about this but has not done so far. Barbara has talked to Camden Council about this and their responsibility with this (last contact with them was April). In the meantime, we are not paying anything. NB QCCA are paying their bills.

Re: Hall Hire ACTION: 16/17 June 930 – 4pm, ACTION: Josh can do Saturday ACTION: Hertha can do Sunday

Re: Lunch Club It would be good to have lunch club on Fridays but Andrew said that Highgate Newtown would run Friday lunch club, not us.

  1. TRUSTEE/CHAIR’S REPORT Re: Report of the Executive Committee for the year ended 31 March 2018 Some changes have been made and Barbara has the details

Re: Finance Thanks to Mohammed, this is short and easy to read – we are “quids in”. Josh mentioned restricted funds.

Re: Trustee Status. Name of Trustee must be on Register. Roger Elliott has agreed to be a new Trustee ACTION: Barbara will make the above amendment and get back to Mohammed. Once this has been done, Roger will be registered at the next AGM.

  1. CONSTITUTION Barbara has amendments.
  3. ESTATE PARTY Held in Holly Lodge Gardens Sunday 24th June Both HLCC and the TRA are sharing the stall on the day … food one end, information the other end. ACTION Barbara will be there from 12 – 6pm running the stall. Anne will help on the day, also setting up and clearing away. Josh and Grace will be there and Josh will help carry stall tables from the Community Centre to the Gardens and set these up. Hertha will be there too to help. Barbara will make cakes and make some lemonade. Karen will provide homemade, organic brownies, and Camilla some home made biscuits.
  4. AOB Re: Film Club Martin says it would be good to invest in a screen on a tripod … speakers can be used that are already at the Centre but cables will need to be bought. Josh mentioned that “Maplins” are closing down and that therefore this would be a good time to buy these for possible reductions. We are considering whether to get some black out blinds that pull down during a film. ACTION Martin will undertake to do research into these blinds but he will do this July/August. Re: Funds to access from Camden Council, Barbara applied for them. Alicia Pivaro is dealing with it but has not come back to Barbara for a long time ACTION Barbara to follow this up and chase after her.


Holly Lodge Community Centre is a registered charity 293003 2013-2017

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